Some Financial Odds and Ends before 2015 What should you consider as 2014 turns into 2015? Here are some additional year-end financial moves that may prove helpful in the pursuit of your goals. Review your withholding status. Should it be adjusted due to any of the following factors? * You tend to pay a great deal of income tax each year. * You tend to get a big federal tax refund each year. * You...
With the long financial nightmare of the recession and financial crisis shrinking in the memories of those who endured it, Americans are, once again, setting their sights on a shorter retirement time horizon. What didn’t seem possible following the steep market decline and ensuing economic turmoil, is becoming more than just a pipe dream for those who would like to retire early. Although it can be a steep hill to climb, with the right planning...
Valerie Peck |
Money is just one of those things that sometimes brings people as much pain as it does pleasure. As the economy in an up cycle of the recession, things are looking better but just the thought and uncertainty of an unstable economy is often enough to bring the fear back into people’s minds The first step to managing financial stress is to identifying what is beyond your control. For most of us, a few things...