Tell Your Beneficiaries About Your Accounts and Policies Let them know how they will receive retirement assets and insurance benefits. Provided by Peck Financial Advisors Will your heirs receive a fair share of your wealth? Will your invested assets go where you want them to when you die? If you have a proper will or estate plan in place, you will likely answer “yes” to both of those questions. The beneficiary forms you filled out...
Wisdom from Warren Buffett One of the world’s most heralded investors simply keeps calm and carries on. Provided by Peck Financial advisors If you ask someone who the “world’s greatest investor” is, the answer more often than not may be “Warren Buffett.” That honor has never formally been awarded to him, and many other names might be in the running for that hypothetical title, but one thing is certain: the “Oracle of Omaha” is greatly...
Valerie Peck |
Financial Serenity By Heather M. Berberet, Psy.D. PSY16920 I have found one thing to be highly predictable in human beings...predictability. We love it! Our brains are actually hardwired to want to know what is going to happen next. Of course, many of us enjoy the occasional surprise. But all in all, we feel much more comfortable with telling the future than being surprised by it. We also are hardwired to do what is necessary to...
Valerie Peck |
College Funding Options You can plan to meet the costs through a variety of methods. Provided by Peck Financial Advisors How can you cover your child’s future college costs? Saving early (and often) may be the key for most families. Here are some college savings vehicles to consider. 529 plans. Offered by states and some educational institutions, these plans let you save up to $14,000 per year for your child’s college costs without having to...
Money Concerns for Those Remarrying What financial factors deserve attention? Provided by Peck Financial Advisors Some of us will marry again in retirement. How many of us will thoroughly understand the financial implications that may come with tying the knot later in life? Many baby boomers and seniors will consider financial factors as they enter into marriage, but that consideration may be all too brief. There are significant money issues to keep in mind when...
Should You Plan to Retire on 80% of Your Income? Examining a long-held retirement planning assumption. Provided by Peck Financial Advisors A classic retirement planning rule states that you should retire on 80% of the income you earned in your last year of work. Is this old axiom still true, or does it need reconsidering? Some new research suggests that retirees may not need that much annual income to keep up their standard of living...
Many investors, especially those still reeling from the 2008 – 2011 stock market roller coaster ride, have developed a low tolerance for volatility. As a result they have moved a significant portion of their investments into bonds or other fixed yield vehicles. What many investors may not realize is that wholesale switches from one asset class to another in order to avoid volatility can actually increase it. Secondly, for investors with a long-term perspective on...
Taking Back Control by Valerie Peck, MBA, CFP® – Fee-Only Financial Advisor Originally published on the San Diego State University Planned Giving and Estates Blog Markets are volatile China is scaring us We thought low energy costs were supposed to be GOOD for us So how are we supposed to react to all of this? Taking inventory helps. Inventory of what’s working in your life. Inventory of what you have, of what you want, of...
Valerie Peck |
Why You Should Stay in Stocks in 2016 One bad trading day is not the year. Provided by Peck Financial Advisors The stock market has wavered recently. A lackluster year just ended, and this year has started inauspiciously. You may be wondering ... should you really be invested in stocks right now? Yes, you should be. In moments like these, investors should not panic and overreact to the headlines. Instead, they should take the long...
Making and Keeping Financial Resolutions What you might do (or do differently) in the months ahead? Provided by Peck Financial Advisors How will your money habits change in 2016? What decisions or behaviors might help your personal finances, your retirement prospects, or your net worth? Each year presents a “clean slate,” so as one year ebbs into another, it is natural to think about what you might do (or do differently) in the 12 months...
How Women Can Narrow the Retirement Saving Gender Gap Steps toward saving more & revitalizing your retirement strategy. Provided by Peck Financial Advisors When it comes to retirement saving, many women lag behind many men. Historically, that has been the case. The 2015 edition of Financial Finesse’s annual survey, The Gender Gap in Financial Literacy, offers more evidence of the problem – along with a few encouraging signs that women may be catching up. (Financial...